The emergence of collaboration endured for more than 15 years between the group of Reiko Oda (CBMN, University of Bordeaux), Japanese professor Ihara (University of Kumamoto) and Sagawa (University of Kyoto). Now, a new international accord LIA has been commence « CNPA », it is titled as Chiral Nanostructures for Photonic Applications, this is the 8th LIA between France and Japan.
In the year 2001, Prof. Ihara (University of Kumamoto), Prof. Sagawa and Dr. Oda have participated to the international conference in France, “Self-Assembled Fibrillar Networks in Chemistry, Physics and Biology”, during which they have presented their results and discussed on the synthesis and the methods of characterization of various self-assembled molecular gel. Since then, they have been collaborating on self-assembled supramolecular and macromolecular gel-forming structures via student exchanges and common publications. They have visited each other a number of times. For 2013-2014, a joint project, Projets de Recherche Conjoints (PRC) by JSPS and CNRS was funded in order to work on the creation of light-management-materials “Development of light-management-materials for highly efficient conversion of solar energy”. Also, several other funding for exchanging students have been granted to the collaborative projects between the partners, Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS, Japan) (Ihara, Kumamoto), SPIRIT (Kyoto University) (Fukami, Kyoto), JASSO (Sagawa, Kyoto), Visiting professorship (Bordeaux University) (Del Guerzo, Bordeaux), and more recently, ANR-JST-Molecular Technology (Oda, Ihara, Sagawa, Bassani, Bibal).
The kick-off meeting for the LIA occured on the 2-3 Octobre at the amphitheatre of IECB, Pessac. During this meeting, the researchers from three universities, University of Kumamoto, University of Kyoto and University of Bordeaux had presented their research activities and discussed the various collaborative projects. The agreement for the creation of LIA was signed in the presence of the representatives from 5 organisations, CNRS, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, University of Kumamoto and University of Kyoto.