Induced chiral properties to Monoatomic Anions

In the context of the Associated International Laboratory LIA CNPA, a collaborative study between the groups of Dr. Reiko Oda and Dr. Thierry Buffeteau in Bordeaux (laboratories CBMN and ISM) and the group of Professor Ihara in Kumamoto (Japan) revealed for the first time induced circular dichroism (CD) of monoatomic anions.

Chiral ions have various attractive properties like asymmetric catalysis or chiroptical property, because of the chiral perturbation on their environment through strong electrostatic interactions. However, little is yet known about the chiral property of monoatomic anions such as bromide and iodide. Although monoatomic anions are presumed to have a chiral information when they exist as counter-ions of chiral molecular system, no direct evidence have been shown because their UV absorption bands (below 220 nm) overlap with the large absorption band of aromatic or carbonyl groups (below 250 nm) which often constitute a part of chiral molecular systems.

In this paper, we have reported the first example of induced CD of monoatomic anions by using molecular assembled nanohelices stabilized by silica coating. The molecular assembly is constituted by non-chiral gemini-type surfactants complexed with chiral tartratecounter-ions. Because of the silica stabilization of the system, the tartrate counter ions can be replaced by the monoatomic anions, while keeping the chiral organization of the gemini surfactants. Because this surfactant do not have specific absorption band above 200 nm, the chirality induced from the helicoidal structure of the surfactants to the monoatomic anions have been evidenced.

Furthermore, this study being based on a multi-step transfer of chiral environment through the in-situ chemical reaction via the chiralized monoatomic anions, such system could be used as a very promising chiral nano-reactor through multistep chiral induction.

Contact: Dr. Reiko Oda :

Ref: Yutaka Okazaki, Naoya Ryu, Thierry Buffeteau, Shaheen Pathan, Shoji Nagaoka, Emilie Pouget, Sylvain Nlate, Hirotaka Ihara and Reiko Oda. Induced circular dichroism of monoatomic anions: Silica-assisted chiral environment transfer from molecular assembled nanohelices to halide ions. Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 10244-10247.


Inside Front Cover Image


Schematic illustration of how the helicoidal auto-assembly of achiral surfactants can induce a chiral information to monoatomic anions and a typical example of induced CD of monoatomic anions.

LIA members from Bordeaux visited Japan

LIA members from Bordeaux visited Kumamoto and Kyoto in the end of October-beginning of November 2017. In Kumamoto, they visited Kumamoto Industrial Research Institute, followed by discussions on the ongoing collaborative projects. Then they went to Kyoto to participate JGP International Workshop organized by Prof. H. Imahori (From Bordeaux, D.Bassani, A. Loquet, B. Habenstein, B. Kauffmann, R. Oda, Y. Okazaki, J.Gao, D. Martinez, D. Sonet participated. Students and Postdocs’ travels were payed by Kyoto University)

R. Oda and B. Kauffmann visited on October 30th the 4th generation synchrotron SPRING8 (RIKEN) and the Japanese free electron laser (XFEL) source SACLA in Sayo-gun Hyogo. After a short presentation of both facilities running by the RIKEN institution by Mr Toru Hara, team leader at the research and development division, they could met beamline scientists (Dr kensuke Tono and Dr Kohmura Yoshiki) and could evaluate the potential application for beamtime and the submission of research proposals in the framework of the LIA.

On October 31st R. Oda and B. Kauffmann met Ms Atsuko Nakatsuka and Akiko Sata from the Japan society for the promotion of science (JSPS) at their Tokyo office. Initiated by Reiko Oda this meeting aimed at strengthens the relationship between this institution and the south west part of Europe. It has been decided that further meetings will be organized in France with the European representatives of JSPS in Europe.

They then visited the RIGAKU company in Matsubara-cho, akishima-shi Tokyo. The Rigaku Group of companies are world leaders in the fields of general X-ray diffraction (XRD), thin film analysis (XRF, XRD and XRR), X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF, EDXRF and WDXRF). They could visited the factory and see some of the last instruments under development. They could also exchange with a set of experts from the company on the technical evolution of IECB X-ray generators to fit better the requirement of the scientific projects ongoing at the Bordeaux University.


Prof. Toyoki Kunitake, Doctor Honoris Causa ceremony, University of Bordeaux, France.

On the 4th of May 2017, Professor Toyoki Kunitake from Kyushu University, JAPAN was awarded the title of “Doctor Honoris Causa” from the University of Bordeaux.

This title is awarded to foreign personalities for outstanding contribution to the arts, literature, science and technology in relationship with the establishment that grants the title.

Professor Toyoki Kunitake is a researcher renowned throughout the world for his work in supramolecular chemistry. He was the first scientist to demonstrate that finely designed synthetic amphiphilic molecules spontaneously from bilayer membranes a basic structure common to the biological membranes of living cells. Prof. Toyoki Kunitake’s innovative research helped to clarify this universal phenomena for amphiphilic compounds , thus establishing a new and promising field of chemistry based on molecular self-assembly and opening new frontiers in supramolecular, colloid and polymer chemistry as well as material sciences. He received the Kyoto Prize in 2015, one of the most prestigious international awards in honour of those who have contributed significantly to scientific and cultural progress.

On this occasion, Reiko ODA who has been the key person behind this event, gave a talk to describe the achievement of Prof. Toyoki Kunitake.


7th Phoenics (Photo-Electro Organics) International Symposium, Kumamoto, JAPAN.

7th Phoenics (Photo-Electro Organics) International Symposium took place on 5th-7th March 2017 at Kumamoto University, Japan. This was an International forum of JST-ANR (Japan-France) SICORP and Annual Meeting of LIA – CNPA International Association Laboratory. French partners were invited to attend the symposium and to talk about science, go ahead with fruitful new collaborations for near future. On this occasion, two French collaborators Reiko ODA and Dario BASSANI joined Japanese collaborators Prof. Hirotaka IHARA and Prof. Takashi SAGAWA.

First day, the meeting started with opening remarks by Prof. M. Takafuji and section began with invited talks of researcher about their respective research field. And, the day ended up with discussions and dinner at Japanese traditional old restaurant.

Second day, the meeting continued with remaining invited talks in which two French collaborators also gave talk on their research work. After the talk section, we had a round-table discussion and then visited laboratories of Prof. Ihara. One of the laboratorys is named as “LIA-CNPA’ situated in the building ‘International Research Organization for Advanced Science and Technology’ (IROAST) to promote international collaboration.


Workshop October 2016

The 10th and 11th of October 2016 occurred the annual workshop of the franco-japanese Associated International Laboratory “Chiral Nanostructures for Photonic Applications” (LIA CNPA). Eleven researchers and students from the universities of Kyoto and Kumamoto came in Bordeaux for two days of scientific discussions. After the presentation of the work done by the three students founded through the LIA, the Japanese guests visited the laboratories of all the researchers implied in the project. Thanks to fruitful discussions in the laboratories and during social events, new collaborations launched. We hope that this is just the beginning of a long and rich alliances.


Double Degree in Kyoto

In September 2016, the vice president for international affaires (VP IA) of the University of Bordeaux has visited the Kumamoto University and the Kyoto University. In Kumamoto university, he met, along with Prof. Ihara, the president and the vice president (IA) of the University and discussed about promoting and reinforcing the collaboration between the two universities. The two universities are planning to renew the signature of the MOU. He also visited the new LIA-CNPA laboratory space.

In Kyoto University, he discussed with the VP (research) along with the Prof. Sagawa, Prof. Ishihara (Vice director of the Energy Science Department) and Prof. Fukami, discussed about the LIA along with the Double Degree program that the two universities were about to sign.

In September 23rd, the DD program was accepted by the board of Education of the University of Bordeaux. As it has already been accepted in Kyoto University, this marks officially the success on the establishment of the DD program between the two universities!

“This marks officially the success on the establishment of the DD program between the two universities!”

Kick-off Meeting in Kumamoto

As part of the 6thPhoenics (Photo-Electro Organics) International Symposium the 29th of February and the 1st of March 2016 (click here to see the program), the second inauguration of the franco-japanese Associated International Laboratory “Chiral Nanostructures for Photonic Applications” (LIA CNPA) occurredin Kumamoto, Japan.

The three principal investigators of the three universities involved in this project presented the objectives of such an International lab: Dr. Reiko ODA for the University of Bordeaux, Prof. Takashi SAGAWA for the University of Kyoto and Prof. Hiroataka IHARA for the University of Kumamoto.

During the first day of the meeting, PhD students presented their progress regarding the topic of “New Waves in Supramolecular Chemistry and Superstructured Materials” and the famous Prof. Toyoki KUNITAKE, President of the Kitakyushu Foundation for the Advancement of Industry, Science and Technology, gave an exciting regarding the Chemistry of Molecular Organization. After the presentations of the three principal investigators, the day ended with a gala dinner.

The second day was dedicated at the Phoenics meeting where Japanese and international researchers presented their works. Stimulating and enthusiastic discussions around these researches followed on between the researchers.

Participants of the Gala Diner in front of the castel of Kumamoto

Participants of the Gala Diner in front of the castel of Kumamoto

Participants of the Phoenics Symposium, the 1st of March 2016

Participants of the Phoenics Symposium, the 1st of March 2016

Kick-off Meeting in Bordeaux

Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd of October, the inauguration of the franco-japanese Associated International Laboratory “Chiral Nanostructures for Photonic Applications” (LIA CNPA) occurred. Researchers from the three partner universities introduced their researches during a kick-off meeting which took place inside the IECB building. The research projects are grouped under the general topics of the design, synthesis and characterization of hybrid chiral nanostructures for the creation of new materials used as sensors, enantioselective catalysts or able to deal with the chiral light. Enthusiastic discussions around these researches followed on between the researchers, and new collaborations have already emerged.

Representatives of the five institutions from which belong the LIA were able to travel to Bordeaux on Friday, October 2, allowing the signing of the agreement of this new laboratory: Prof. Takashi Hiyama for Kumamoto University, Head of International Collaborative Research Group, Prof. Michinori Suginome for Kyoto University, deputy vice-Président in charge of Education, Dr. Dominique Massiot for the CNRS, Director of INC, Institut de Chimie, Prof. Laurent Servant for Bordeaux University, deputy vice-President for International Relations, Dr. Valérie Vignéras for Bordeaux INP, Institut National Polytechniques, deputy Director CS, and in the presence of Dr. Erick Dufourc, director of CBMN institute, laboratory hosting the event. A banquet was held at the end of this signature.

PDF: Program of the event

Kick-off Meeting in Bordeaux

Members of the LIA Chiral Nanoctructures for Photonic Applications during the inauguration ceremony the 2nd of October 2015.